Have you focused on having Emotional Intelligence in your day to day?
Do you allow yourself to flow each day?
“What comes out of your mouth comes from your heart,” says an old proverb.
Do you need to heal your heart?
Many times we try to solve our problems with focus.
What are you focused on?
Daniel Goleman (2013) proposes the cultivation of a capacity that turns out to
be the secret to excellence: Focused attention. He argues that people who achieve
good results, whether in studies, business, sports, or arts, cultivate forms of focus or
intelligent meditation.
Doing FOCUS, or paying focused attention, implies cultivating attention in all
its modalities: Internal focus, focus on others, and external focus.
Daniel Goleman convincingly argues that now more than ever, we need to
learn to cultivate the attention, whether as a way of self-control, to enhance empathy,
or to understand the complexity around us, because we are in the age of permanent
The productivity of the focus depends on where you place it.
Are you focused on control or flow?
The focus on control evidences a lack of balance.
The focus on flow is a sign of inner harmony.
Why do you do emotional healing work?
What is the objective?
Do you want to do emotional healing work so that the people around you
behave differently towards you?
Do you expect to be accepted or included in a group or in your own family?
For fear of not being accepted and seeing you badly if you express your
Are you focusing on not being a volcano of emotions?
Or are you focused on healing what causes the emotional volcano to come
out to protect you?
Do you dedicate yourself to the urgent or the important?
The urgent thing is to do well on a day-to-day basis, managing your emotions.
The important thing is to know where that emotion comes from, where did it
come from? When did you learn it? and to be able to discern if it is something that
you want to continue maintaining in life or if you are going to leave it behind,
thanking for learning and taking a path that is the one you choose and not the one
you take due to lack of focus or awareness, automatically following the pattern you
inherited from your parents and ancestors.
I invite you to review: How are you living your day to day?